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Salmonella Detection Kits


Salmonella typhi & Salmonella paratyphoid Detection KitReal-Time PCR Method


Intended Use

This kit is mainly used for qualitative detection of DNA of Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphoid A in blood samples.


Accurate, two?pathogens?detection: Salmonella typhi & Salmonella paratyphoid

Convenient, can be used directly after adding samples

Easy to use, one-step RT-PCR operation

Fast, reliable results are available within?90?minutes

Packaging Specifications48 tests/pack



Salmonella & Shigella Detection Kit (Real-Time PCR Method)


Intended Use

The kits are intended for detection of Nucleic Acids of Salmonella Shigella in stool samples (including?anal swab specimens).


Accurate, two?pathogens?detection: Salmonella (ssaR gene) and?Shigella?(ipaH gene)

Convenient, can be used directly after adding samples

Easy to use, one-step RT-PCR operation

Fast, reliable results are available within?90 minutes

Packaging Specifications48 tests/pack

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