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Nucleic acid extractors


EX48 Nucleic acid extractor


Intended Use

The product is used for nucleic acid extraction, matching with virus nucleic acid extraction kit (magnetic?bead method).



High-precision, CV

High-efficiency,?48 samples per 20 minutes

Unique design?of?well-plate, ,Minimum eluent?volume:?20μL, get highly concentrated sample?Safe, UV disinfection

Easy to use, large touchscreen, drawer-type heating platform


MS-48/MS-96 Automatic nucleic acid extractor

Intended Use

Consisting of the sample rack, reagent storage rack, tip storage rack, mechanical pipetting arm,?mechanical plate transfer arm, oscillation module, temperature control module, magnetic attraction?module, barcode scanning module, movement system, protection system, and transport system, the?Automatic Nucleic Acid Extraction System features one-button easy operation and standardized?workflow, which help to greatly reduce the manual operation error and improve the accuracy of test?results. This system provides systematic solutions for building a high-precision, simple and convenient,?and systematic laboratory.



Fully automatic, completely hands-free

Fast: 48 samples per 100 minutes?/ 96 samples per 90 minutes

Accurate: Precise micro pipetting; efficient magnetic bead adsorption, CV

Safe: UV disinfection, exhaust system

Easy 2-step operation: sample, extraction reagents and PCR mix loaded; then primed and purified RNA removed (ready for PCR analysis)

醴陵市| 东宁县| 石景山区| 招远市| 保定市| 合山市| 通州区| 工布江达县| 藁城市| 马鞍山市| 开平市| 饶平县| 新民市| 常山县| 黑山县| 商水县| 田东县| 定西市| 宜川县| 蕉岭县| 永定县| 黑龙江省| 宁阳县| 益阳市| 五常市| 庆阳市| 开鲁县| 青州市| 永城市| 黄骅市| 临清市| 钟山县| 保靖县| 六盘水市| 阿荣旗| 阿巴嘎旗| 三门县| 兴城市| 亳州市| 江门市| 澄迈县| http://www.jldkyy.com http://www.tc958.com http://www.eplvy.com http://www.2009jl.com http://www.b2t1.com http://www.ytx818.com