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Enterovirus Detection Kits


Enterovirus Detection Kit (Real-Time PCR Method)

Intended Use

??The kit is used for the qualitative detection of Enterovirus in specimens from throat swab.


? Accurate, all enterovirus?detection, avoid missing detection

? Convenient, can be used directly after adding samples?from throat swab instead of serum

? Easy to use, one-step RT-PCR operation

? Internal standard and QC solutions ensure reliable results

? Fast, reliable results are available in about?90?minutes?

Packaging Specifications24?tests/pack,48?tests/pack



?Enterovirus 71 & Coxsackie type 16 Detection Kit (Real-Time PCR Method)

Intended Use

? The kit is used for the qualitative detection of Human Enterovirus A71 (EV71) and Coxsackievirus A16 (CA16) in specimens from throat swab.


? Accurate, two most pathogenic virus detection: CA16/EV71

? Convenient, can be used directly after adding samples?from throat swab instead of serum

? Easy to use, one-step RT-PCR operation

? Internal standard and QC solutions ensure reliable results

? Fast, reliable results are available in about?90?minutes

Packaging Specifications24?tests/pack,48?tests/pack

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